The SNA seminars started in 2003 and since then have become established events for mainly Czech scientific community working in the field of numerical mathematics and computer simulations. The seminar also contains tutorial lectures focused on selected important topics within the scope of numerical methods and modelling.
SNA'23 is the 16th meeting in the series of SNA events. It will be dedicated to the memory of professor Radim Blaheta who passed away on January 20, 2022. Prof Blaheta was an eminent scientist in the field of numerical mathematics and computational geosciences. He was also the co-founder of the SNA conferences and chair of all previous editions holding in odd years.
Conference topics
- Mathematical modelling
- Numerical linear algebra
- Solving PDE's and coupled processes
- Advanced topics - optimization, uncertainty
treatment, machine learning
- High performance computing
- Applications of mathematics
Important news
- The conference photo (JPG, 2 MB).
- Presentations of the Winter school lectures are available.
- The conference proceedings (PDF, 6 MB) with extended abstracts.
- The social programme and additional information (PDF, 2 MB) related to the conference are available.
- Information on the poster session (flash poster introduction and poster presentations).
- The scientific programme (PDF, 305 kB) of the conference and short abstracts (PDF, 337 kB) are available.
- Registration deadline and submission of a short abstract prolongated.