Conference contributions

The SNA conference will include a combination of winter school lectures (90 minutes), standard short lectures (about 20 minutes), and posters. In case of your interest on a short lecture, please send us a short abstract (max. 10 lines) within the registration. After the acceptance of the contribution, the authors are encouraged to prepare an extended version of the abstract (1 - 4 pages) according to the template below.

The contributions can be presented in Czech or in English.

Conference proceedings

The conference proceedings will be prepared only in the electronic form and will be available for download before the conference. It will contain extended abstracts of the participants and presentations of invited speakers.

The extended abstracts have to be prepared in LaTeX using the document class file SNA.CLS, for example see a simple template EXAMPLE.TEX and its output EXAMPLE.PDF. We prefer the contributions written in English. Pictures are supported in usual graphic formats (JPG, PNG, BMP or PDF) and should be included into text by means of the GRAPHICX package. Please, do not use the EPS format for pictures. Source text should use mainly standard LaTeX packages for a document style modification, avoid complicated LaTeX tools, and minimize the number of own environments, macros, and commands.

The conference proceedings (PDF, 6 MB) and short abstracts (PDF, 337 kB) are available.