Scientific programme
The scientific programme (PDF, 142 kB) of the conference and the book of abstracts (PDF, 219 kB) are available to download.
13:00 - 17:00
Pre-conference workshop - field work
09:00 - 12:00
Pre-conference workshop - data analysis
12:00 - 13:00
Registration opening & Lunch break
13:00 - 13:30
Conference opening, Best Thesis Contest Award ceremony
13:30 - 15:00
Key note lecture
Daniel Nývlt:
Postglacial climatic and environmental evolution
of James Ross Archipelago, Eastern Antarctic Peninsula based on
deglaciation chronologies and palaeolimnological records
15:00 - 15:30
Introduction of Sesuvy s nadhledem exhibition & Coffee break
15:30 - 17:00
Plenary session I, chair Tomáš Galia
Karol Tylmann, Piotr Migoń, Vincent Rinterknecht, Aleksandra
Bielicka-Giełdoń, ASTER Team:
Cosmogenic 10Be exposure dating of a pre-Holocene flowslide
from the Kamienne Mountains, Sudetes
Dénes Lóczy, József Dezső, Ervin Pirkhoffer, Szabolcs Czigány:
Geomorphological impacts of crop diversification in Hungary
Radek Tichavský:
Quo vadis, dendrogeomorphology?
Iwo Wieczorek:
Contemporary dynamics of glacial lakes in Spitsbergen: comparison
between systems developing in northern, central and southern regions
17:30 - 19:00
Dinner break
19:00 - 19:45
Short excursion to Křtiny Church and Ossuary
CAG General Assembly
09:00 - 10:40
Plenary session II, chair Zdeněk Máčka
Zuzana Poledniková, Adriana Holušová, Tomáš Galia:
Assessing Large Wood Dynamics Using Time-Lapse Photography
Miloš Rusnák, Hamid Afzali:
Riparian Vegetation Change Detection Using Random Forest
Along the Danube Side Arms
Sumit Das, Gianvito Scaringi, Yunus Ali, A.C. Narayana:
Impacts of Climate Change and Human Activity on Sediment
Load Variability in Western Ghats Rivers
Tomáš Galia, Zuzana Poledniková, Václav Škarpich:
Influence of vegetation on meander morphodynamics over two
decades: A case study from the Odra River, Czechia
Akhtar Zeb Khan, Anna Kidova:
Geomorphic Assessment of Discharge potential to identify areas
more vulnerable to erosion after River Training: A case study of
the Belá River
10:40 - 11:10
Coffee break
11:10 - 12:30
Plenary session III, chair Lucie Kubalíková
Ján Novotný, Anna Chrobak-Žuffová, Anna Delekta, Joanna
Fidelus-Orzechowska, Vladimír Székely, Daniel Michniak:
Geotouristic and educational potencial of the geosites
in the Podtatrze Area
Jan Lenart, Martin Kašing, Kristýna Schuchová, Radek Tichavský:
200 years of coupled relief disturbance in the heart of
a former industrial city
Jan M. Waga, Bartłomiej Szypuła, Kazimierz Sendobry, Krzysztof
Jochymczyk, Mariusz Grabiec:
Remnants of extreme morphodynamic processes at the site of
a World War II military conflict (Koźle Basin, southern Poland)
Kristýna Schuchová:
Cave Pearls: The Hidden Treasures of Mines
12:30 - 13:30
Lunch break
13:30 - 15:10
Plenary session IV, chair Piotr Migoń
Adam Rusinko, Richard Feciskanin, Michal Druga, Jozef Minár:
Generalization of LiDAR data for computing morphometric
characteristics in land cover change modelling
Pavel Roštínský:
Circular structures in central Europe indicated by composite
landform features
Miloš Rusnák, Ján Kaňuk, Anna Kidová, Milan Lehotský, Hervé
Piégay, Ján Sládek, Lukáš Michaleje:
Combining multi-BACI approach, LiDAR data, historical aerial
photographs and UAV survey for inferring multi-decadal and ongoing
channel degradation
Filip Hartvich, Ivo Baroň and Rostislav Melichar:
Images of flysch bedrock structures on ERT cross-sections:
order from chaos?
Martin Kašing, Jakub Jirásek, Dalibor Matýsek, Jan Valenta, Petr
Tábořík, Vladislav Rapprich, Tomáš Pek:
Discovery of deeply eroded diatremes with negligible geomorphic
manifestation in the Bruntál Volcanic Field, Czechia
15:10 - 15:40
Coffee break
15:40 - 17:00
Plenary session V, chair Jan Klimeš
Jakub Kilnar, Tomáš Pánek, Michal Břežný, Diego Winocur,
Karel Šilhán, Veronika Kapustová:
Failed Patagonian tableland: landslides distribution and controls
Michal Břežný, Tomáš Pánek, Hans-Balder Havenith, Alessandro Tibaldi:
Landslides on the growing folds of the Kura fold-and-thrust
belt (Azerbaijan, Georgia)
Wioleta Porębna, Piotr Migoń, Milena Różycka, Krzysztof Parzóch:
Geomorphometric studies of valley network in the Stołowe Mountains
Tereza Steklá:
Anthropogenic impact on the water course in the Labe (Elbe)
and Jizera confluence area
17:30 - 18:30
Poster presentations
Social dinner
09:30 - 12:00
Field trip to Býčí skála Cave,
guided by Vlastislav Káňa (Muzeum Blanenska, p. o.)
and Veronika Kršková (Czech Geological Survey)
Preliminary programme
23 - 24 April 2024
Pre-conference workshop in selected cave.
Helmets and lights will be provided. No speleologic equipment and skills are required.
Please take the suitable shoes. Be prepared for a muddy and slippy terrain. -
24 April 2024
Best Thesis Contest Award ceremony.
Plenary session.
CAG General Assembly.
Short excursion to Křtiny Church and Ossuary. -
25 April 2024
Thematic sessions.
Poster presentations.
Social dinner. -
26 April 2024
Field trip to Moravian Karst.
Please take the suitable shoes. Be prepared for a muddy and slippy terrain.