Ancient landscapes of the Horácko region

Geographers from the Institute of Geonics of the Czech Academy of Sciences prepared an exhibition for the Horácko Museum based on research into the pre-industrial landscape in Moravia. Selected images come from the vicinity of Nové Město na Moravě and represent an area practically untouched by the social development of the last 200 years.

As the author of the exhibition, Tomáš Krejčí, states, "our goal was to create a comprehensive database of such segments of the landscape that have retained their character / structure in the same form as they did before 1850". In the case of northern Horácko, these are mainly localities with preserved parcelling of plots, separated by draws; the original buildings can also be seen locally. This original structure has been preserved despite a significant functional change, which in the region was the transformation of arable land into permanent grassland.

The authors of the exhibition consider the topic of pre-industrial landscape to be open. Tomáš Krejčí adds that "even with the extent of the area in Moravia, some places may have escaped our attention, so we welcome any tips and suggestions from visitors to the exhibition or other interested parties. northern Horácko".

Online exhibition in the Horácko Museum and few samples from the exhibition: