DISCOPLAN-TS device for automatic cutting and grinding of mineralogical samples (Struers)
BUEHLER SimpliMet XPS1 mounting press for preparation of microscopic polished sections
Servo-hydraulic loading system (MTS Systems Corp.) for testing strength and deformational properties of rocks, equipped with a hydraulic actuator of axial loading (max force 2,6 MN, frame stiffness 10,5 GN/m)
High-pressure triaxial cell furnished with intensifiers of in-chamber and pore pressures (max pressures 140 MPa), with cascade control of temperature during the loading (up to 200 °C) and with accessories for measuring permeability of rocks to water and other inert liquids
ZWICK 1494 mechanical press (max force 600 kN)
KTK 100 Karman’s triaxial cell with possibility of permeability measurements in deformation process (confining pressure up to 50 MPa)
FP 10 mechanical press for testing tensile strength of rocks
FPZ 100 mechanical press for testing uniaxial compression strength, splitting tensile strength, flexural and shear strength, and fracture toughness (CB test) of rocks
Micro Hardness Tester (CSM Instruments) with measurements of micro-indentation Young modulus